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Green Eyed Cat

Companion Animal Care

Companion Animal: Service

Wood Farm Vets welcomes all varieties of companion animals from dogs & cats to ferrets, rabbits, birds and reptiles. We pride ourselves on giving personal, proffessional and exceptional care. 
We offer an extensive first-opinion service, allowing the treatment of a wide range of ailments that may affect your pet. However, if your pet needs further treatment, we are happy to refer you to a specialist with whom we work closely. 
Furthermore, our personal touch extends to the out-of-hours emergency care, ensuring we are with you and your pet every step of the way.


When your pet needs us

A consultation may be booked in advance or on the day, Monday - Friday:
Morning (08:30-10:30)
Afternoon (12:30 - 14:30)
Evening (16:30-18:30)
Out-of-hours (18:30 - 08:30)

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Emergency Care

All day, every day

In the event of an emergency, day or night, please call the office. A vet will be available to assist you at the clinic or at your home.

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Vaccinations & Health Checks

Proactive and Positive

Help keep your pet healthy and safe from life-threatening diseases by maintaining their vaccinations. All vaccination appointments include a thorough physical examination.


Nurse Clinics

For advice and on-going support

Run daily 11:30 - 12:30 and 15:30 - 16:30 by our team of nurses. Click below to find a clinic that's right for you and your pet.


Routine & Specialised

The Wood Farm vet clinic hosts a separate preparatory room and a fully equipped operating theatre with modern anaesthesia machine. Click the button below to learn more about the surgeries we can perform.

Pet passport & microchipping

Microchipping, Pet Passports and Other Services

Preventative Care

We microchip all pets - not just dogs! 
Learn more about what's involved if you're taking your pet on holiday and what other services we offer.

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